Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Network Security & Information Security

Computer security is a field that is just now starting to come into itsown. This field includes such a wide area of concern that it is difficult to gethandle on all of the aspects associated with security. The spread of viruses,malicious code, intentional sabotage, and even terrorism are a part of theareas that a security professional must be concerned about. Your challengesare both to provide assistance in security efforts and to consult your organizationabout how to improve security.Computer security is a field that is just now starting to come into itsown. This field includes such a wide area of concern that it is difficult to gethandle on all of the aspects associated with security. The spread of viruses,malicious code, intentional sabotage, and even terrorism are a part of theareas that a security professional must be concerned about. Your challengesare both to provide assistance in security efforts and to consult your organizationabout how to improve security.Computer security is a field that is just now starting to come into itsown. This field includes such a wide area of concern that it is difficult to gethandle on all of the aspects associated with security. The spread of viruses,malicious code, intentional sabotage, and even terrorism are a part of theareas that a security professional must be concerned about. Your challengesare both to provide assistance in security efforts and to consult your organizationabout how to improve security.

he term
information security
covers a wide array of activities in an
organization. It includes both products and processes to prevent unauthorized
access, modification, and deletion of information, knowledge, data, and facts.
This area also involves the protection of resources by preventing them from
being disrupted by situations or attacks that may be largely beyond the control
of the person responsible for information security.
From the perspective of a computer professional, you are dealing with
issues that are much bigger than merely protecting computer systems from
viruses. You are protecting many of the most valuable assets of an organization

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