Tuesday, April 7, 2015

SPLAT Installation

Insert the Checkpoint R65/R70 CD into the Server’s DVD Drive
You will see a Welcome to
Checkpoint SecurePlatform screen. It will prompt you to press any key within 90
seconds. Press any key to start the installation; otherwise it will abort the
You will now receive a message
stating that your hardware was scanned and found suitable for installing
SecurePlatform. Do you wish to proceed with the installation of Checkpoint
SecurePlatform? Select OK.
In System type section, what
type of system would you like to install?
Choose SecurePlatform Pro.
Next it will give you the
option to select the keyboard type. Select your Keyboard type (default is US)
and enter OK to continue.
In the Networking Device Screen
select eth1 and OK.
Enter you r Security Gateway’s External IP address (, subnet
mask and Default Gateway IP address (, Select OK.
Enable Web based configuration,
and change the port to 4443 (for security purpose). Select OK.
Now you will see the
Confirmation screen. It will say that the next stage of the installation
process will format your hard drives. Press OK to Continue.
Once hard drive is formatted
and images are copied, it will prompt you to reboot the machine and importantly
After system reloads, insert
default login name and password, which is admin
for both credentials.
It will prompt you for a new
password. Choose a password of your choice.
Next, it will prompt you for a
different user name. Select a user name of your choice.
The next step is to launch the
configuration wizard. To start the configuration wizard, type "sysconfig"
You would be asked to enter n for next and q for Quit. Enter n for
Press 1 to configure the host
name, and press 1 again to set host name,
and press enter.
Press e to get out of this section.
Press 2 to configure the domain
name. Press 1 to set the domain name,
and press enter.
You can press 2 to show the
domain name.
Press e to exit.
Press 3 to configure Domain Name
Servers, and press 1 to add a domain name server.
Enter your domain name server
IP Address. Press e to exit.
Press 4 to configure the Internal and DMZ Ethernet interfaces.
Press 2 to configure a new connection. Press 2 again to select eth0
Press 1 to change IP settings,
insert IP address, subnet
Enter broadcast address of the
interface eth1 (leave empty for default): Press Enter.
Similarly configure the eth2 interface, which will be acting as a
DMZ in this case with IP
address and subnet
mask. Press e to exit.
Choose a time and date
configuration item, Press n to configure the time zone, date and local time.
The next prompt is the Import
Checkpoint Products Configuration. You can n for next to skip this part as it
is not needed for fresh installs.
Next is the license agreement,
Press Y and accept the license
The next section would show you
the product Selection, Choose Check
Point Power option, and press n
to continue.
Select New Installation from
the menu, and Press N to continue.
Next menu shows the products to
be installed. Choose VPN-1 Power only
as it is a distributed installation. Press N to continue.
After VPN-1 Power package is
completed, Press n for both
Dynamically Assign IP Address gateway installation and Clustering Products.
Do you want to add License? Press n.
Enter SIC Authentication Key. This key
is used to establish secure certificate between Security Gateway and
SmartCenter Server in order to trust each other.
Reboot the System.

SPLAT Installation using the Web Interface

Insert the Checkpoint R65/R70 CD into the Server’s DVD Drive
You will see a Welcome to
Checkpoint SecurePlatform screen. It will prompt you to press any key within 90
seconds. Press any key to start the installation; otherwise it will abort the
You will now receive a message
stating that your hardware was scanned and found suitable for installing
SecurePlatform. Do you wish to proceed with the installation of Checkpoint
SecurePlatform? Select OK.
In System type section, what
type of system would you like to install?
Choose SecurePlatform Pro.
Next it will give you the
option to select the keyboard type. Select your Keyboard type (default is US)
and enter OK to continue.
In the Networking Device Screen
select eth0 and OK.
Enter you r Security Gateway’s Internal IP address (, subnet
mask (, Select OK.
Enable Web based configuration,
and change the port to 4443 (for security purpose). Select OK.
Now you will see the
Confirmation screen. It will say that the next stage of the installation
process will format your hard drives. Press OK to Continue.
Once hard drive is formatted
and images are copied, it will prompt you to reboot the machine and importantly
To connect to the
SecurePlatform Web interface, Initiate a connection from a browser to the
administration IP address
Note - Pop-ups must always be
allowed on https://
SecurePlatform License screen
appears. Click I Accept to continue.
Type admin for Login Name and
admin for Password. Click the Login tab.
In next screen, you must set
your permanent password. Enter New
Password and Confirm New Password.
Click on Save and Login Tab.
Read the message in First Time Configuration Wizard- Welcome screen
and click Next.
The First Time Configuration Wizard – Network Connections screen appears. Select eth1 interface by clicking the hyperlink of the interface name.

In Edit Ethernet Connection eth1 screen, Insert Security Gateway’s
external IP Address and Netmask. Click Apply to continue.

In Edit Ethernet Connection eth2 screen, Insert Security Gateway’s DMZ IP Address and Netmask.
Click Apply to continue.

Click Next to continue.
The First Time Configuration Wizard – Routing Table displays. Click
on New and select Default Route

Insert the Internal IP Address
of Internet Router. Click Apply

Click Next to continue
Insert DNS Servers IP addresses and Click Next.
Complete Hostname, Domain Name, and Management Interface information. Click

Enter the correct date and time
under the Manual device data and time
configuration option. Click Apply
and confirm the changes. Click Next.
In the Web and SSH Clients screen, add
only those IP addresses which would be allowed to access Security Gateway.
Under Installation options, select Check
Point Power (default) and click Next

In the Products section, choose
VPN-1 Power and click Next
Skip the option in the Gateway Type box. Click Next

IN the Secure Internal Communication box, type Authentication key of
your choice. Confirm the key and Click Next

Read the Summary and confirm your selection of products. Click Finish

Click Yes to start the configuration process.
After the configuration process
has completed, the Gateway server will reboot automatically. After reboot, a
message will inform you that the process is complete. Click OK

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